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Customized security solutions

Nowadays securing data access is essential and ensuring appropriate security is necessary. Understanding the importance of strong authentication is fundamental in a context of constantly changing digital uses and threats. The use cases to be implemented with NEOWAVE solutions are diverse.

We provide smart card security technologies for user authentication (work sessions, sharing, etc.), data encryption (emails, etc.), identity management (certificates, SSO, etc.), electronic document signature deployment, digital assets acquisition, remote VPN server access, physical control access and time-presence management.

Our solutions can be customized to fit your needs.

Our solutions for optimal security

authentification forte windows

Strong Windows authentication

To eliminate the vulnerabilities of password logins to Windows domains, strong authentication solutions are required. NEOWAVE offers products and services using cryptographic devices based on digital certificates (smart cards or USB tokens). This makes it possible to secure work sessions and access resources on the company network using a local directory with Windows server (ID 2.0 solutions) or via Azure Active Directory services (FIDO2 solutions).

authentification forte web sso

Strong web authentication

For secure and easy-to-use identity management in Information Systems strong authentication solutions are essential. NEOWAVE offers FIDO U2F and FIDO2  compatible web authentication solutions. NEOWAVE products are compatible with SSO (Single Sign-On) solutions of SSO type identity federations.

signature électronique

Electronic signatures

In an increasingly digitalised world, the electronic signature has become an essential tool for improving the customer’s user experience with administrative procedures. This however raises concerns on security and data protection. The certificate-based signature is a solution to these security issues. NEOWAVE’s USB tokens and smart cards can store PKI  certificates to allow secure electronic signatures.

They comply with the eiDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) European regulations, international standards of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and RGS standards (General Security Referential). NEOWAVE products cover both the internal needs of enterprise PKI and identity management provided by external Certification Authorities.

chiffrement donnees

Data encryption

Encryption is recommended whenever data confidentiality is required. NEOWAVE products can store encryption certificates securely and are compatible with most encryption software available on the market (Microsoft, Primx, Stormshield…).



The VPN or Virtual Private Network has become an essential element for any company whose employees or service providers work remotely (either travelling or from home). The manager or CIO must also manage the introduction of personal mobile devices by employees (BYOD – Bring Your Own Device) or the use of applications in remote desktop mode (RDS or Remote Desktop Services). Stronger user authentication with enterprise information systems has become essential. NEOWAVE solutions, USB tokens or smart cards, are accompanied by Middleware (CSP / KSP / PKCS # 11 interfaces) and host certificates (PKI) allowing strong authentication. They work with all the main VPN softwares: Microsoft, The GreenBow, Cisco, Juniper, Check Point.


Cryptoactive security

Cryptoactives (Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 / Stable coins, tokenized assets on smart contracts, Central Bank Digital Currencies) use distributed architectures based on asymmetric cryptography which requires protecting private keys. NEOWAVE provides secure devices that meet this need. Online services (marketplaces, exchanges) manage cryptographic keys on behalf of their customers. NEOWAVE’s FIDO products provide strong authentication to platforms and protect them from identity theft and phishing attacks that could result in the permanent loss of crypto assets.

accès physique

Physical access control and time management

Effective identification is essential for secure and simplified management of physical access control (turnstiles, gates, tripods, etc.) to buildings and offices. NEOWAVE offers smarctcard badge access control solutions based on PKI certificates and dedicated protocols such as RFID (125 KHz, 13.56 MHz), NFC, or MIFARE/DESFire. They meet the highest levels of security. NEOWAVE’s identification badges can be used in a variety of applications such as time-presence management, canteen card, secure printing access etc. These solutions ensure simple and efficient control (copy impossible).