NEOWAVE is now a member of the Alliance for Digital Trust (ACN – Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique) which brings together companies in the digital trust sector. It thus joins an active community that works to build French cyber excellence by providing services, solutions and technologies that limit risks and strengthen trust. Commitments that it has always carried out in order to offer its customers reliable products.
A professional organization at the service of digital trust players
NEOWAVE, specialized in strong authentication and secure transactions, has joined the Alliance for Digital Trust (ACN). The latter represents companies (world leaders, SMEs and mid-sized enterprises) in the sector, particularly those specializing in cybersecurity and digital identity. In this field, France has a very efficient industrial fabric and an internationally recognized excellence thanks to the various dynamic players in the field. It also brings together institutional partners (ANSSI, ANTS, DGA, DGE, etc.).
The ACN aims to:
- To represent the sector to the public authorities,
- ACN is a member of the FIEEC and participates in the work of the Strategic Sector Committee for security industries,
- To be a source of proposals, through the development of white papers, technical papers and contributions, and positions in relation to projects of national or European regulations,
- To bring valuable and innovative elements to national and international debates,
- Coordinate concrete actions to develop markets and solutions.
For stronger collaboration with players in the trust ecosystem
Through this partnership, NEOWAVE intends to participate in the co-construction and strengthening of the French Cyber ecosystem for a safer Internet. This collaboration allows NEOWAVE to bring his stone to the building and this in line with his commitments. Indeed, NEOWAVE offers products that are 100% made in France and comply with European safety standards.