The PlayFrance PlayEurope PlayDigital Collective (, publishes its first card of 300 French digital companies (SMEs and mid-caps), publishers of solutions and platforms that meet the essential digital needs of businesses and public organizations. all sizes.

The Collective protested on April 9 against the reflexes that have become too common in the past 20 years using non-European solutions, has created a deep economic imbalance between Europe, the United States and China, an absence of autonomy and a risk on data exploitation. The Collective demands that at least 50% of digital investments in the public sector be devoted to European solutions, half of which are for SMEs.

The mapping follows the main themes of the European DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) which updates the digital maturity levels of the different European countries each year. It identifies 300 companies that produce and promote their digital solutions in France. We see that these French companies, startups, SMEs and ETI, meet all needs and are able to take European leadership.

The mapping will be promoted as a priority to decision-makers and buyers of digital solutions in state services, administration and local authorities, then to large companies and SMEs, in the context of the digital transition accelerated by the sanitary crisis.

The initiative will be taken up in several European countries and will make it possible to constitute an Index of European digital solutions to support the major projects announced in the digital development programs of the European Union.

The PlayFrance PlayEurope PlayDigital Collective brings together 300 digital professionals and was initiated by Alain Garnier (Jamespot), Pascal Gayat (Les Cas d’OR), Matthieu Hug (Tilkal), Raphael Richard (Neodia) and Antoine Duboscq (Wimi).

Pascal GAYAT, Producer of Digital Gold Cases,, Tel. +33 (0) 6 74 28 08 91

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