ID 2.0 range

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For maximum access protection for your computer
and mobile data

NEOWAVE’s line of ID 2.0 solutions use smart cards for strong authentication. This is a scalable solution for hosting Windows logon certificates, Active Directory (AD) access, electronic signatures, encryption, Single Sign-On (SSO), etc.


Compatible with most software and equipment deployed in companies, professional organizations and communities.

Comfort and security

Centralized management of all logical or physical access rights for optimized comfort and increased security.


Complies with the following regulations: the Military Programming Law (LPM), the “Network and Information System Security” directive (NIS) and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

Our solutions

weneo id

Weneo-A ID 2.0

Multifunction USB token

USB Type-A PC/SC Micro-SIM card reader, Winkeo-A SIM

Winkeo-A ID 2.0

Mini USB-A token

weneo id

Winkeo-C ID 2.0

Mini USB-C token

weneo id

Badgeo ID 2.0

Contact and / or NFC smart cards


Smart card security

Password protected storage

Impossible to clone your stored identity

Graphic and electrical customization

Additional customization services

Wide compatibility

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Middleware to interface with business applications

Smart card certified common criteria EAL6+

Interface with tools integrated into Windows and / or those of our partners

Certificate generation (PKI) & MIFARE / DESFires keys

Enrollment (Solution ID 2.0 / User association)

Provisional or final revocation of logical or physical rights

Reliable and proven middleware

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When deploying a smart card-based solution such as our ID 2.0 solutions, a “Middleware” must be installed to provide the CSP (MS Crypto Service Provider / CryptoAPI) and PKCS # 11 software interfaces necessary for your operating system (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) and third-party software solutions (encryption, Single Sign-On, signatures, etc.) wishing to use smart card security. AET’s SafeSign Identity Client middleware is a reliable and robust solution that has been widely deployed.

safe sign

A tailor-made offer for your professional activity

ID 2.0 solutions are applicable to all business sectors.

Public sector

Local authorities, hospitals, states

Private sector

Operators of Vital Importance (OVI), SMEs and MidCaps

Certification Authorities (CAs)

For further information on NEOWAVE's offer