NEOWAVE’s Winkeo-A FIDO2 and Winkeo-C FIDO2 authentication keys received ANSSI’s security Visa award at a ceremony on September the 15th 2022, in recognition of their security excellence. The products were CSPN certified by ANSSI in April 2022. NEOWAVE is specialised in strong authentication and offers efficient solutions to help protect digital assets from cyberattacks. This award is a guarantee of confidence for users.​​

The security Visa, an additional guarantee of quality

NEOWAVE is a company specializing in strong authentication and secure transactions. Its mission is to protect the digital assets of companies and users through strong authentication technologies based on secure components and digital certificates. NEOWAVE products combine the high level of security offered by smart cards with the advantages of storage and connectivity technologies: USB, RFID / NFC and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).​

NEOWAVE offers three main product families:
– ID 2.0 solutions: smart cards and USB tokens with their Middleware for securing logical and physical access
The FIDO range: security USB keys and smart cards based on the FIDO protocol (FIDO U2F and FIDO2) to enhance the security of online service
– Smart card readers: contact and/or contactless (RFID/NFC) smart card readers and USB keys, Micro and Mini-SIM card readers to facilitate the implementation of multiple secure applications.

Our products are 100% Made in France, from the design phase to the production and deployment phases. They are labeled “Cybersecurity Made in Europe” and comply with European security requirements (RGS, eIDAS, GDPR, PSD2). Our Winkeo FIDO security keys rely on advanced cryptography mechanisms. They also embed a Common Criteria EAL5+ certified security component and thus offer enhanced and effective protection against phishing-type attacks. These guarantees of reliability, to which is now added the security Visa of the French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), particularly meet the needs of government agencies, Operators of Vital Importance (OVI) and companies wishing to effectively protect their sensitive data.

About the ANSSI Security Visa

The security Visas issued by ANSSI make it possible to easily identify the most reliable solutions that are recognised as such following an evaluation performed by evaluation centres licensed in accordance with rigorous and tried and tested methods. Depending on the context and need, this Visa takes the form of a certification or qualification.

NEOWAVE received the ANSSI security visa for the CSPN certification of its Winkeo FIDO2 security keys, during the security visa award ceremony on September 15, 2022 at the Cyber ​​Campus in Paris. ANSSI recommends favoring the use of physical equipment that has undergone a security assessment to guarantee a high level of protection. This award represents a guarantee of high security for users.

We are very proud to have received the ANSSI Security Visa for our Winkeo-A FIDO2 and Winkeo-C FIDO2 security keys. Many thanks to the entire team for maintaining this excellence in IT security. The certification of our FIDO2 products confirms our constant commitment to implementation of trusted solutions.



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